beBee background
Salwa Hejazi

Salwa Hejazi

MSc Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design

Ingénierie / Architecture

Paris, Paris


Dernières publications

Services offerts

As a recent graduate with a Master's degree in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design, I am excited to bring my passion for sustainability and the built environment to the workforce. Throughout my studies, I developed a strong understanding of the ways in which buildings and landscapes can be designed to minimize their environmental impact and promote long-term sustainability. 

I am eager to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact on the built environment and contribute to the creation of more sustainable and livable communities. In my studies, I focused on the integration of sustainable technologies and materials, as well as the design of green spaces and landscapes that enhance the natural environment.

I am a hardworking and dedicated individual with a strong desire to learn and grow in my career. I am actively seeking opportunities to apply my skills and knowledge in a professional setting and contribute to the sustainability efforts of a forward-thinking organization. 
I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow, and I am eager to connect with other professionals in the field to share ideas and collaborate on projects that promote sustainability in the built environment

Taux approximatif: €23 par heure


senior working

Azure Architects · Full-time Jun 2017 - May 2019 · 2 yrs Cairo, Egypt · On-site

-Initially was hired as a junior working but quickly was promoted as a senior. Working closely with other professionals,coordinate technicians and craftspeople and attending meetings on site.-Initially was hired as a junior working but quickly was promoted as a senior. Working closely with other professionals,coordinate technicians and craftspeople and attending meetings on site.

Skills: Construction · Computer-Aided Design (CAD)Skills: Construction · Computer-Aided Design (CAD)


Research Assistant

Freelance (Self employed) · Freelance Aug 2017 - Sep 2018 · 1 yr 2 mos Cairo, Cairo, Egypt

performed academic and research-based duties, including computational model-development, prototyping and prototype construction coordination, and assist in reporte writing and studios related to the topic.performed academic and research-based duties, including computational model-development, prototyping and prototype construction coordination, and assist in reporte writing and studios related to the topic.

Skills: AutoCAD · Research · Management Skills: AutoCAD · Research · Management


Student Internship

ARAB BUREAU FOR DESIGN & TECHNICAL CONSULTATIONS · Apprenticeship May 2013 - Dec 2015 · 2 yrs 8 mos abbasia · On-site

worked as a paid architectural intern. in charge of designing a housing compound, in Cairo Egypt. worked mostly with AutoCad, sketch up and Adobe creative cloud to produce the drawings worked as a paid architectural intern. in charge of designing a housing compound, in Cairo Egypt. worked mostly with AutoCad, sketch up and Adobe creative cloud to produce the drawings

Skills: Construction · Computer-Aided Design (CAD)Skills: Construction · Computer-Aided Design (CAD)



STUDIO A · Internship STUDIO A · Internship  Apr 2012 - May 2013 · 1 yr 2 mos Algeria · On-site

worked along with architect in a professional workplace environment as an architectural intern. aid in zoning, design presentation mood boards and modeling using software or manual maquette.
worked along with architect in a professional workplace environment as an architectural intern. aid in zoning, design presentation mood boards and modeling using software or manual maquette.

Skills: Computer-Aided Design (CAD)


  • M a s t e r ' s d e g r e e , S u s t a i n a b l e A r c h i t e c t u r e a n d Landscape Design/P o l i t e c n i c o d i M i l a n o | 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 2

Grade: GPA (4.0)/ MSc, Towards a desired future in oases settlements a landscape scenarios approach to enhance the draa valley oasis resilience against desertication.

  • P r e m a s t e r / s u s t a i n a b l e a r c h i t e c t u r e /E s a p + C r i t i c a l c o n c r e t | S e p 2 0 2 1 - J u l y 2 0 2 2 )

Grade: GPA (4.0)

  • B a c h e l o r ' s d e g r e e , A r c h i t e c t u r e E n g i n e e s i n g/ T h e B r i t i s h U n i v e r s i t y i n E g y p t | 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 6

Grade: GPA (3.5)/ BSc, Urban Ecology as a sustainable tool for desertication
in Egypt

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