Thermochemistry of Powders for Ingot Casting - Sophia Antipolis, France - Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF)

Sophie Dupont

Posté par:

Sophie Dupont

beBee Recruiter


Thermochemistry of powders for ingot casting:

  • Réf
  • Sujet de Thèse 14/03/2024
  • Financement public/privé
  • Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF)
  • Lieu de travail
  • Sophia Antipolis
  • Provence-AlpesCôte d'Azur
  • France
  • Intitulé du sujet
  • Thermochemistry of powders for ingot casting
  • Champs scientifiques
  • Matériaux
  • Numérique

  • Mots clés

  • Ingot casting, casting powder, Solidification, Phase transformation, Front tracking, Thermodynamic coupling
    Description du sujet:
  • Modelling of the thermochemical evolutions of casting powders used for ingot casting, as part of the ANR project TheCAP (Thermochemistry of ingot CAsting Powders) including the CEMHTI academic laboratory (Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation) and various industrial partners from the sector of metallurgy (ARCELORMITTAL, APERAM, ASCOMETAL, AUBERT&DUVAL, INDUSTEEL), as well as two software development companies (TRANSVALOR, SCC).
  • Steel is generally produced using the continuous casting process. However, for specific steel grades, for large forged products and for low-volume niche markets, such as those associated with the aerospace, nuclear, automotive or defence sectors, the bottom pouring process (i.e. feeding by the lower part of the ingot mould) remains the only possible process.
  • you can see more here:

Prise de fonction:

  • 01/10/2024
    Nature du financement:
  • Financement public/privé

Précisions sur le financement:

  • anr
    Présentation établissement et labo d'accueil:
  • Centre de Mise en Forme des Matériaux (CEMEF)
CEMEF is a research lab. of MINES ParisTech I PSL University associated with CNRS, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS, UMR7635).

Overall, our missions are research and training in collaboration with industry.

Our research focuses specifically on materials and their transformation processes in the broadest sense. It extends additionally to other fields such as fluid mechanics, biomechanics or HPC for instance. On the other hand, our training programmes offer post-graduate courses related to our scientific fields of expertise. Furthermore, we are attentive to the scientific needs of industry and we set up research projects with industrial companies.

CEMEF studies the science of materials and forming processes. This twofold research theme is in fact at the origin of the creation of our research lab. Thus, from the outset, CEMEF has been interested in the analysis of manufacturing processes, i.e. it studies the entire chain consisting of the material / the process / the finished product.

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Intitulé du doctorat:

  • Doctorat en Mécanique Numérique et Matériaux
    Pays d'obtention du doctorat:
  • France

Etablissement délivrant le doctorat:

  • Doctorat de l'Université de Recherche Paris Sciences & Lettres
  • PSL Research University
    Ecole doctorale:

  • Sciences fondamentales et appliquées

  • Engineer or Master 2, in the fields of materials, mechanics or applied mathematics. Student attracted by topics related to modelling and numerical simulation of physical phenomena and engineering science. The PhD student will also receive the training necessary for his research activities in the field of materials science, as well as in the field of scientific computing and programming, in particular to master the dedicated computing tools.

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Gross annual salary 28,5k€- 31/08/2024

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